Midst for Business
Midst develop bespoke plans for small to medium sized businesses to educate, support, and retain their females employees through the midlife stage.
What do we do?
Whether it's a one-off talk, or a more robust Menopause Policy, Midst, and their team of Menopause Specialists can help your business. Our approach:
Inform and educate | Open Conversations | Support Women.

Inform and Educate: Line Managers
- Explain The Menopause journey from a Medical point of view and the range of symptoms, in order to foster an understanding for the complexity and individuality of the symptoms and experience.
- Provide training on supporting employees:
Physical Aspects of the workplace | Policy Guidance and Practise | Supportive Workplace cultures | Work Design

Open Conversations: All Staff
Awareness workshops
Conversational workshops
Provide access to education, self care and self help
Breaks taboos, build understanding and educate on the diversity of the experience

Support: Women in Midlife
- Staff Benefits: Vouchers to access Products and Services on the Midst site
- Support groups with specialist drop-in sessions
Team includes: Amanda Duncan, Nutritionist | Dr Nina Wilson, Specialist Menopause Doctor | Alison Beadle, Midlife Fitness Professional
Why do businesses need to address their Menopause policy?
- UK Businesses have a legal responsibility to create a safe and supportive work environment
- The UK covers Menopause under the Equality Act 2010, to ensure no discrimination over age, sex,etc.
- The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 [2] to positively protect employees, to ensure that work or working conditions do not exacerbate an employee’s symptoms.
- Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 [3, person-based risk assessment and arrangements if necessary.